Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Horse shoe dilemma

I can't decide. Dammit.

1) Finish in the bedroom.
+: It won't take more than two or three hours to finish.
-: I have to move heavy furniture.
-: I have to use my retarded sewing skills.
-: I have to go through a box of misfit toys (okay, assorted bits that have no home that I move from room to room so I can think I'm dealing with it.)

2) Fix my niece's computer.
+: Guilt - I've had it since before Christmas.
+: Guilt - I gave her a new computer desk and chair for Christmas.
+: Guilt - Larry wants to actually use our dining room table (probably for trains though.)
+: Guilt - Then I could work on my brother's computer, which I've had about one month longer than that.
+: When its done, it will leave the house.
-: It's Windows 98.
-: Its mouse doesn't work, and the video is stuck at 16 colors/640x480.
-: It's likely I'll have to nuke and pave. A W98 obsolete driver hunt.

3) Finish in the living room.
+: We have a new TV that could go up.
+: It's a public space.
+: It's almost done as well.
+: The TV needs to be tested out before 30 days are up in case of malfunction.
-: It doesn't seem like it's the most important.
-: It's another heavy lifting job as well as an installation project.
-: Some of the pieces I need (IKEA book case extensions) are out of stock.
-: Larry's hugemongous fish tank need to be given away to truly finish the area (but its out of my hands.)

4) Clean the back bedroom.
+: It's been organized, so what's in there has a home.
+: It could be done in two or three hours as well.
+: My treadmill is in there and I need to start using it again. This is kind of important.
-: It's filled with lots of Larry's model railroad stuff.
-: The space is cramped and it's difficult to get to the "homes" because of all the other things you have to step over.

I need to make a decision so I can keep stumbling in a forward direction. I pick a task, but then this one seems more important so I end up tail-chasing. I even know that I could pick one randomly, get it done and still be ahead of the game. So, another mind trick: I'm calling for a vote! :)

Which one would you do (or think that I should do?) Post a comment.


Shsvs said...

forget what everybody else wants - what would make you happiest??

Shsvs said...

forget what everybody else wants/expects/would like - what would make you happiest?? sometimes thinking only of yourself is a good thing

M. said...

Ain't none of it going to make me happy - it's all work. I'll enjoy the end result of "crapless" house.